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  • Essex Wildlife Trust <br>Corporate Member Essex Wildlife Trust
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  • Confederation of European <br>Pest Management Associations Confederation of European
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  • Prefabricated Access Suppliers' <br>& Manufacturers' Association Prefabricated Access Suppliers'
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  • Over 25 years of experience


January Pests

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In the coldest months with the least daylight, rats will be seeking warm, sheltered environments. They’ll use the cover of darkness to go unseen but are more encouraged to go indoors.

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Like rats, mice will be encouraged to find warmth and food indoors thanks to the colder, darker conditions of January.

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Because cockroaches prefer warmth and humidity, you'll be more likely to see them indoors during winter. Central heating can keep them active during this time rather than entering their diapause state.

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February Pests

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While you’re not likely to see the moles themselves, they’re most active in winter, so signs of them disturbing the earth in your garden are common in February, just before they go into breeding season.

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Continuing to seek out shelter, food and warmth, February’s winter weather will force these rodents indoors.

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Carrying on the winter weather, February will see mice remain a problem as they venture indoors for places to hide and easy food sources.

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March Pests

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As temperatures start to rise a little in March, moths begin to appear. Central heating indoors attracts these insects as they look for mates and natural fibres to consume.

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The end of winter and the start of spring in March means termites find the right conditions to emerge. They’ll seek food sources, including anything made of wood, whether indoors or outdoors.

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Birds (Nesting)

Nesting birds begin to move into breeding season in March, building nests and making sightings more common.

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April Pests

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With new litters born in spring, you’ll start to see more squirrels in gardens in April as they go in search of food again.

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Temperatures in April begin to get high enough for ants to emerge from their diapause state. They start to prepare their nests ready for the summer months.

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First sightings of wasps can begin in April if the weather is warm enough, with emerging queens looking for locations to start their new nest.

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May Pests

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If the previous month was too cold, some wasp queens might begin their search for a new nest site in May. They will then start to lay eggs and create workers and drones.

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Late in May, as temperatures begin to get more comfortable, flies begin to appear. They’re attracted indoors by food sources, plants and bright lights.

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Longer days and warmer weather trigger mating season for pigeons, which means they’ll be looking for spots to build nests around buildings.

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June Pests

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In June, we hit summer, which is the prime season for newly developed wasps to go out in search of food to sustain their nest, which can be in full flow by this time if temperatures allow.

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During June, fly populations start to increase, ready for the peak across summer. They’ll begin to breed more and localise around open food sources.

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If we experience a showery summer, the wet and warm conditions could bring out more mosquitoes, searching for prey.

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July Pests

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Bed bugs

While bed bugs can be found year-round, they’re most likely to start appearing with warmer weather, looking for food sources.

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At the height of summer in July, wasps become more and more prevalent. They are still scouring for food and nesting material at this time as the colony grows.

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Any rainy July is likely to see an increase in mosquitoes, as this, combined with warm weather, creates the ideal conditions for a population explosion.

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August Pests

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Bed bugs

Bed bugs hit their peak months in August and September, with warm weather and people travellin

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Fleas can appear anytime between spring and autumn, but summer is their preferred time as it brings humidity that allows them to thrive and multiply.

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As we move into late summer, August will be the time that wasp behaviour becomes more aggressive, as queens stop laying new eggs that give workers some of their sugar — this means they seek more sources, including rotting fruit that slightly intoxicates them.

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September Pests

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In September, annoying wasp behaviour continues. Queens may leave the nest to find a place to hibernate, leaving workers to scramble for sugar sources before the cold weather kills them off.

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Having hit the peak mating period in summer, you’ll see more spiders outdoors. But, as things start to cool at the end of September, it’ll feel like there are more as they move into homes for a drier place to hide.

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September is the last month you’re likely to see many ants. Once the warm weather starts to die off, they’ll move into their diapause phase to survive winter.

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October Pests

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In October, temperatures begin to drop again, forcing rats to look towards indoor shelter more and more. While they might avoid breeding in winter, there will be a renewed summer population by this time of the year.

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As food and warmth become scarce outdoors, mice will be spotted more inside human spaces ready for winter.

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Squirrels are most likely to seek shelter in your home from October onwards, since they want shelter and a dry place to store food.

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November Pests

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By November, most spider populations will have moved indoors, so this will be the last month you’re likely to see them before entering their diapause state for winter.

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Winter continues to drive rats indoors. They will seek cover in our buildings throughout November if they haven’t already.

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November sees mice populations continue to move indoors for survival. Signs of droppings are more common and mice can climb to surprising heights to find shelter.

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December Pests

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Deep into winter, by December most rats have found shelter indoors. They still remain active, searching for food and nesting material, but often sticking to dry, quiet spaces.

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Much like their other rodent counterparts, mice in December will stick to the same activities of sheltering and foraging for food.

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By December, most homes and businesses are fully using their central heating, the warmth of which can create safe havens for cockroaches during winter.

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Pest Defence - The Pest Control Experts

Since our conception over 30 years ago, we’ve been delivering the most efficient and effective pest control services to customers throughout Colchester, Chelmsford, Brentwood and the surrounding areas of Essex. We’re local to these areas, and it’s this passion for our community that has driven us to ensure all our neighbours live comfortably, free of the worries and threats that invasive pests can bring.

The team at Pest Defence are ready at a moment’s notice to tackle any pests you find in your home. With just a single phone call, we’ll offer friendly advice and reassurance, before our specialists make a swift visit to your home to eliminate any pest-related problems. We’ll also aid with pest prevention to ensure that any infestations don’t reoccur, or to stop them from happening in the first place.

Our list of pest eradication and prevention services includes:

Whether dealing with mice, rats, birds or moles — we can help. We’re exterminators that guarantee a fast response, every day of the week. Take a look around our website to explore some of the extensive services we offer. Alternatively, give us a call today for a free quote or advice. We’re always happy to help.

Reviews & Testimonials

Our clients agree, for pest control solutions in Essex, including Chelmsford, Colchester and Brentwood, Pest Defence offer unbeatable service.

Thank you for your excellent attention, I am so grateful for your prompt action in ridding us of our pestilence. You have been brilliant. Will be in touch if we ever have the need again.

S Bartillas, Islington

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