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Pest Defence Blog

Results for 'Bee Control'

Where Do Bees Go During the Winter?

If you managed to get out in the garden over summer, or even venture to your nearby park, you’ll no doubt have seen bees. Buzzing around happily wherever the flowers can be found in warmer weather, they’re an important part of our natural ecosystem – but where do bees go in the winter? This month at Pest Defence, we’re going to try and shed some light on this mystery, giving you a better insight into what bees do in winter and why you don’t see them. Where do bees go in winter? The first thing we should point out is that…

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Making Your Outdoor Space Pest Free Post COVID-19

It’s been a tough 12 months for everyone, but with the end almost in sight, many businesses have been reopening – especially in the hospitality and event industry. This is great news for the economy, people and jobs, but also for everyone else able to get outside and enjoy their outdoor space. But with this new rush to get outdoors comes the need to think about creating a comfortable environment free from pests. As the days get warmer and longer, more pests will appear and make a nuisance for anyone sipping a pint at an outdoor pub or having a barbecue…

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Where Do Pests Come From?

Pests are an alarming thing to find in both the home and office because it means that they have somehow managed to make their way inside through small cracks and crevices within the property – which means it’s a job for a professional to find it, seal it and remove the pests. If there aren’t any signs of broken sealants or cracks, it’s likely you’ve brought a contaminated item into the home without realising. Whatever pest you have found in your home, we have it covered in our comprehensive guide. Pest Defence are here to provide answers to your questions, covering:…

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Identify a Pest By Its Droppings

Sometimes we don’t know we have pests until we find their droppings inside our homes and not only can this be gross to find but also concerning, especially when you’re unsure what it is you’re dealing with. Cut the curiosity and identify the pest in your home by their poop with our handy infographic. And see below for more details on determining the type of pest in your home. Rats  Rats excrete much more than any other pest, as much as 25000 pellets in one year. Should you have rats, you will notice these droppings all over as they go to…

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Pest Calendar: Which Pests Appear in Which Season? – Infographic

View the full sized infographic here With new seasons come an influx of different pest problems. Because the majority of pests find their way into predictable places and have usual habits, you can be one step ahead of the problem. Pest Defence are here to share with you the things you can do to prevent or reduce the arrival of unwanted guests before it gets out of hand. Knowing what to look out for during the different seasons is the perfect way to tackle pests. Which pests are most common in spring? Termites When the temperature begins to rise during spring,…

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The Different Forms of Humane Pest Control

Pests can become a nightmare if left unchecked, causing damage to your house, garden and – in extreme cases – the health of your family members. As such, it’s vital that they are removed quickly and efficiently. This does not mean, however, that pests must be exterminated in the manner to which we have become accustomed. There are, in fact, a variety of humane forms of pest control that professional services can perform, four of which we will illustrate in this article. Rodent Deterrents Traditional forms of rodent extermination such as traps and poison are, on the whole, ineffective and potentially…

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I Hear Noises in My Loft – What Pests Are Up There?

Pest Defence are here to provide you with a guide to the noises that may be coming from your loft, so you can decipher the pest that’s likely to be taking refuge up there. Hearing noises in the loft can be very unsettling, and to be faced with a pest can be enough to make anyone run a mile. Pest Defence encourage those worrying about strange noises in the attic to read this article as it may be beneficial to you know what you’re dealing with, and the signs to look out for. However, it is still important to call a…

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The Importance of Ethical Bee Control

Bees are an important and essential part of our ecosystem that help the growth of fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds. Without bees pollinating our plants, the environment would soon begin to struggle. So while bees may indeed be a nuisance when they are living in your home or commercial premises, they are by no means a pest. Because of the vital role bees play, it is important that when an infestation is discovered in your property, they are removed in a safe, controlled way. This month, we’ve got all the information you need on treating a bee problem in an ethical…

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