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Pest Defence Blog

Results for 'Flies'

The Life Cycle of a Fly Explained

Flies are some of the most common nuisance pests that we encounter in our daily lives, especially during warmer weather. From buzzing around our homes to infiltrating our picnics, these tiny creatures always seem to be present.  Have you ever wondered about the life cycle of a fly and how it impacts our surroundings? In this article, we will delve into the fascinating world of flies and shed light on their life cycle stages. We’ll also discuss how flies can pose a significant risk to the hospitality and food industry, emphasising the importance of effective pest control measures. The life cycle…

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How to Get Rid of Fungus Gnats

A rising interior trend you may have noticed during the pandemic was indoor plants. We all need some greenery in our life – studies have even shown it can boost our mood and productivity – and so it’s only natural that people who found themselves cooped up at home all day invested in a variety of indoor plants. The thing people probably didn’t reckon with at the time was how much these can attract pests, given the right conditions. One of the key culprits attracted to plants is the fungus gnat. You’ll probably have come across them before without realising, so…

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Types of Flies in the UK

There are a whopping 120,000 different species of flies in the world — and those are just the ones we know about! Luckily, only a few of these species live in the UK, and even fewer are found around the home. While all UK fly species have some common traits, many species differ in how they look, what they’re attracted by and which methods are needed to remove or repel them. Have you got a fly infestation in your property? Our guide to common UK fly species will help you identify the types of flies in your house. Read the article…

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How to Get Rid of Drain Flies/Moth Flies and Prevent an Infestation

If you have noticed little flies in your bathroom, you may have encountered a drain fly infestation. Though they are relatively harmless, these pests can be a huge inconvenience, making your bathroom and kitchen areas look unhygienic and unsightly. Here, you can find all the information you need on what drain flies are and how to deal with them. What do drain flies look like? Drain flies, also known as sewer flies, filter flies, moth flies or sink flies, look similar to the average house fly as they are very small – about an eighth of an inch – and black/brown….

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Common Food Pests and the Dangers for Restaurants and Retailers

Food pests can cause your customers to become ill and your reputation to be tarnished, resulting in significant setbacks for your business. This is why it’s important for all businesses, no matter how big or small they are, to maintain sanitation standards to prevent pest damages. In this article, we’ve put together a guide to the most common pest issues facing food retailers and restaurants, so you can save your produce and your business before it’s too late.   Why are pests a food safety hazard? When pests get access to food stores, it is easy to understand how they can…

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What Types of Insect Pests Are Living in My Home?

Your home can be a thriving ecosystem for a number of pests and creepy crawlies. Most of the time, you won’t be aware of their presence, but when they begin to grow in numbers, they can infest your home and become a persistent nuisance. In this article, we’re looking at some of the different types of insects you might find living in your home, which will include information to help you identify them, and learn how they can infest your property.   Silverfish What do they look like? Silverfish are easy to identify by their shimmery, silver appearance and rapid, wriggly…

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What are cluster flies and how do you get rid of a cluster fly infestation?

Aiwok [CC BY-SA 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons Pests are irritating, unsightly and insanitary – which is why finding an infestation is worrying – and finding cluster flies is no exception. Cluster flies are 8mm long and are a dark grey colour, with small patches of gold hair on their back and long wings. Appearing in spring, cluster flies will begin to lay eggs outside and will hibernate in your home around nearing winter, around August time. To get rid of cluster flies you can use your vacuum cleaner, aerosol fly killer or call your local professionals who will be able to…

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Where Do Pests Come From?

Pests are an alarming thing to find in both the home and office because it means that they have somehow managed to make their way inside through small cracks and crevices within the property – which means it’s a job for a professional to find it, seal it and remove the pests. If there aren’t any signs of broken sealants or cracks, it’s likely you’ve brought a contaminated item into the home without realising. Whatever pest you have found in your home, we have it covered in our comprehensive guide. Pest Defence are here to provide answers to your questions, covering:…

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Pest Calendar: Which Pests Appear in Which Season? – Infographic

View the full sized infographic here With new seasons come an influx of different pest problems. Because the majority of pests find their way into predictable places and have usual habits, you can be one step ahead of the problem. Pest Defence are here to share with you the things you can do to prevent or reduce the arrival of unwanted guests before it gets out of hand. Knowing what to look out for during the different seasons is the perfect way to tackle pests. Which pests are most common in spring? Termites When the temperature begins to rise during spring,…

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What Diseases Are Carried and Transmitted by Flies?

Professionals in the food industry will know all too well about the havoc which house flies can cause to their business processes. And, on top of this, compared to other pets such as rodents and cockroaches, house flies are responsible for the highest number of staff sicknesses. Unfortunately, house flies are estimated by the World Health Organization to transmit around 65 diseases, all of which can cause problems with stock and overall staff health. In light of this, this month, we will take a look at some of the more common diseases transmitted by house flies. What are house flies? House…

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