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Are Pigeons Vermin or Protected?

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Results for 'Pigeon Control'

Are Pigeons Vermin or Protected?

There are potentially millions of pigeons in London alone. A flapping, flying menace to most people, they represent an animal that many people don’t think very highly of due to their prevalence and their ability to flock in numbers. But are they vermin or a protected species? Pigeons – descended from the rock dove – have become very comfortable around humans, and for many people, they’ve grown a little too comfortable. Unpredictable behaviour and an association with disease means we think of them as vermin, so this month at Pest Defence, we’re going to explore the topic in more detail. The…

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Where Do Pigeons Make Nests?

Common pigeons – the ones you see every day in towns and cities – are descended from rock doves, and like to make their nest somewhere that is flat and high up where they can shelter. Wood pigeons, on the other hand, tend to prefer to make nests in dense greenery such as trees and hedges. As well as commercial buildings and spaces, common pigeons can sometimes roost around our houses, using access to loft spaces or under the eaves of a roof. This not only risks damage to the structure of your building, but they bring with them diseases and…

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Is Pigeon Guano Hazardous?

Yes, pigeon guano is definitely hazardous.  This month at Pest Defence, we’re going to explore the topic of pigeon guano in more detail so that you’re familiar with the risks and how to go about managing any issues you might face. It can sometimes feel like feral pigeons are everywhere these days, from city streets to towns and suburbs, often congregating where they can find access to food and somewhere dry to roost. With millions of them across the UK, they carry a range of risks with them, most notably, their droppings — better known as pigeon guano. Whether you own…

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Pests That Can Damage Your Home and Belongings

As homeowners, there are a lot of different things that we need to stay on top of. Paying bills, mowing lawns and regular vacuuming all spring to mind, but there’s another, slightly more unpleasant job that we can’t shy away from: protecting our home against pests. Whether they’re looking for food or shelter, many different types of pests can find their way into our homes, some of which can cause a great deal of damage if left unchecked. So, to keep you abreast of the different types of pests that can damage your home and how to get rid of them,…

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How to Prevent and Get Rid of Bird Mites

Here at Pest Defence Ltd, we are often asked to identify lesser-known insect species which have been found in the home. One of these is the bird mite – also known as pigeon mites, red mites and bird lice – which can be mistaken for bed bugs. They do pose a risk to humans and are certainly an unwelcome presence in the home, so read on for our advice on what to do if you think you may have a bird mite infestation. What are bird mites? ‘Bird mites’ is the collective name for several types of mites for which the…

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Pest Problems Facing Industrial Factories and Warehouses

Unlike smaller commercial spaces, pest control for factories and warehouses is much harder. It’s a challenge to control pest problems that break out within them. This is largely due to their sheer size; however, such buildings also tend to have many gaps, crevices and holes which are ideal for pests to nest and multiply. Before you know it – you’ll have an infestation. What’s more, if your warehouse happens to be one which stores food, the problem becomes even more severe, since you will have to seal off the affected areas and halt operations. It goes without saying that such manufacturing and…

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What Diseases are Carried by Pigeons and Other Birds?

You wouldn’t be blamed for thinking that common birds such as pigeons and gulls are considered pests purely because of their overpopulation, especially in built-up areas. In reality, however, pigeons have been known to carry and transmit some dangerous diseases, too. When pigeon population density reaches a certain level, droppings and feathers are left at roosting sites. These piles can contain a number of known diseases, and can lead to serious problems if bird pest control measures aren’t put in place. In light of this, in this article, the team at Pest Defence will be focussing on these bird and pigeon…

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I Hear Noises in My Loft – What Pests Are Up There?

Pest Defence are here to provide you with a guide to the noises that may be coming from your loft, so you can decipher the pest that’s likely to be taking refuge up there. Hearing noises in the loft can be very unsettling, and to be faced with a pest can be enough to make anyone run a mile. Pest Defence encourage those worrying about strange noises in the attic to read this article as it may be beneficial to you know what you’re dealing with, and the signs to look out for. However, it is still important to call a…

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