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Is Pigeon Guano Hazardous?

Yes, pigeon guano is definitely hazardous. 

This month at Pest Defence, we’re going to explore the topic of pigeon guano in more detail so that you’re familiar with the risks and how to go about managing any issues you might face.

It can sometimes feel like feral pigeons are everywhere these days, from city streets to towns and suburbs, often congregating where they can find access to food and somewhere dry to roost. With millions of them across the UK, they carry a range of risks with them, most notably, their droppings — better known as pigeon guano.

Whether you own a block of flats, are responsible for a complex of shops, work in construction or operate a single commercial unit in any sector, don’t hesitate to contact our pest control experts for more assistance with pigeon control and pigeon dropping removal. 

Is pigeon guano hazardous?


What is pigeon guano?

Guano is essentially just another term for an accumulation of excrement from birds and sometimes bats. That means pigeon guano is referencing droppings specifically from pigeons.

There are many other names for pigeon guano, including “droppings”, “mess” and even “poo”, but it’s all the same stuff and carries with it the exact same dangers. Whether you have a small amount of guano or large quantities building up, it’s always unpleasant and always hazardous, and therefore not something you can ignore.


The dangers of pigeon guano

Dangers of pigeon guano

Pigeon guano presents a significant risk no matter where it is found, with four main dangers that you should be aware of:


Health hazard

As you can probably imagine, droppings from any bird present a health hazard to humans and other animals. Feral pigeons themselves can carry diseases and insects, but their guano can contain a variety of bacteria and pathogens. This includes histoplasmosis, E coli. Ornithosis, listeria and, when dried out, airborne particles that, when inhaled, can lead to respiratory issues such as cryptococcus fungus and psittacosis.


Slip and fall hazard

Fresh guano often creates a slippery and wet surface. This presents the risk of injury, where someone could slip and fall if they step in even a small amount of droppings. Because of this, clearance of pigeon guano is vital when your building or outdoor areas have been visited by feral pigeons.


Structural damage

Since pigeon guano is also acidic, if left in place it can start to cause damage to your property. From wrinkling paintwork on metals – including vehicles – to staining your concrete and brickwork, it won’t leave a very nice impression and it can be costly to restore the appearance afterwards. For this reason, swift action is needed when you start to notice any bird droppings.


Other pests

In the most extreme cases, an accumulation of pigeon guano can begin to attract other pests, especially insects. A fertile breeding ground for bacteria, it’s only a matter of time before these areas start to see flies and potentially cockroaches. Plus, where pigeons roost and leave droppings, food scraps and nesting materials, rodents are likely to follow.


How to manage the issue of pigeon guano

In the case of pigeon guano, prevention is the best cure. Keeping feral pigeons away from your property is the best way to manage the situation. Because of this, investing in professional pest control services is the secret to never having to deal with droppings in the first place. Not only is this safer for your staff, guests and the general public, but it helps to preserve your property, making it presentable and welcoming. 

Bird control measures we recommend include bird wire, spikes and netting, all of which help to prevent pigeons from entering your premises or roosting in high places. This can drastically limit how much pigeon guano is dropped on your site.

If there is already a significant buildup of pigeon guano, then you will require droppings removal from experts who have the right equipment, including respiratory protective equipment. Cleaning professionals like our team here at Pest Defence will know how to minimise the risk of spreading airborne particles and clear the area effectively and efficiently.

Pest Defence provides pigeon guano cleaning services


Don’t let pigeon guano create a hazard for your business — let our expert team carry out pigeon dropping removal so that you can focus on your day-to-day operations. Alternatively, if you know your building is open to pigeons and other birds, talk to us about control methods so that you don’t have to deal with pigeon guano in the first place.

Operating across Essex and London, we have over 30 years of experience and are a fully qualified and accredited team. Call today and we’ll be happy to assist you, as we have for hundreds of other satisfied clients.



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