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Making Your Outdoor Space Pest Free Post COVID-19

It’s been a tough 12 months for everyone, but with the end almost in sight, many businesses have been reopening – especially in the hospitality and event industry.

This is great news for the economy, people and jobs, but also for everyone else able to get outside and enjoy their outdoor space. But with this new rush to get outdoors comes the need to think about creating a comfortable environment free from pests. As the days get warmer and longer, more pests will appear and make a nuisance for anyone sipping a pint at an outdoor pub or having a barbecue with family.

At Pest Defence, we provide pest control services for Colchester, Chelmsford and Brentwood, helping you to make your outdoor space comfortable to enjoy as we ease out of lockdown restrictions. Whether you already have a pest problem or are being proactive and want pest prevention, here are the ways we can help with different outdoor pests.

honey bees

Wasps & Bees

Spring is the time when queen wasps come out of hibernation and bees start to roam looking for plants and flowers. This is a normal issue that can plague any business, but outdoor cafes, pubs, restaurants and even events like outdoor cinemas will be especially prone to this unwanted attention.
Drinks, food and warm spots with bright colours are fantastic news for customers, but unfortunately, it’s these exact same conditions that also attract bees and wasps as they forage.
You can prevent or mitigate this by clearing away finished food and drinks to reduce the attraction, but if you have a nest on your property then call our expert team for removal services. We even offer a same-day response in emergencies.

mouse eating

Rats & Mice

With any event or business, waste generated will always attract rats and mice. This is an unwanted reputation if you’re trying to get your business back on its feet again so it’s a good idea to tackle any issues as soon as they arise, or take preventative measures if you know you’ve had this problem before.
Keeping waste properly stored in bins, your spaces tidy and blocking access to any outdoor structures will help to deter rats and mice in the first place but it may not be enough. Through our extermination services, we can work discreetly to lay traps or use an approved rodenticide to ensure your space is kept free of pests.



Ants are the classic picnic pest. Whether you’re having an outdoor picnic at home to make the most of the weather or you’re holding an event where you want to serve outdoor food, spring is the time when ants start to appear again.
This noticeable nuisance can be off-putting for visitors so is worth putting a stop to early if you can. Avoiding leaving food open and inviting is a way of limiting their appearance but as an industrious insect, it’s not a watertight solution. Our pest control service for ants is available for any business creating an outdoor space to enjoy. We can use a variety of measures, including eliminating the queen to remove the colony.

types of flies in the UK


While not carrying the same threat of a sting that bees and wasps do, flies provide more of a risk in terms of food contamination. There’s a range of fly types that could beset your premises, but all carry with them connotations of dirt, bacteria and represent a general irritant to anyone trying to relax in an outdoor beer garden or in seating to the front of a business.
With our top-of-the-range technology, we can offer a variety of options for the extermination of flies. We can assess your space to work out what the most appropriate method would be, as well as take preventative measures to stop infestations.

group of pigeons


A resurgence in food available in open-air spaces will no doubt see the return of pigeons, desperate to take up scraps. Pigeons are known to carry disease, presenting a health risk for any business as well as scaring some customers who may become uncomfortable with their presence in close proximity. Whether you want to put a stop to pigeons blighting your restaurant, cafe or takeaway, or you want to ensure you have measures in place as you start to reopen, we can help. Our expert team can recommend electric deterrents, chemical repellents, pigeon netting and more depending on your setup.

Don’t let pests ruin your grand reopening or spoil your enjoyment of the outdoors with family and friends – contact our team at Pest Defence today to discuss your requirements and we’ll work swiftly and discretely to take care of any issues. We come highly rated by our customers and have plenty of experience dealing with a full range of pests.


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