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Pest Defence Blog

Where Do Pigeons Make Nests?

Common pigeons – the ones you see every day in towns and cities – are descended from rock doves, and like to make their nest somewhere that is flat and high up where they can shelter. Wood pigeons, on the other hand, tend to prefer to make nests in dense greenery such as trees and hedges. As well as commercial buildings and spaces, common pigeons can sometimes roost around our houses, using access to loft spaces or under the eaves of a roof. This not only risks damage to the structure of your building, but they bring with them diseases and…

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How To Treat A Wasp Sting

Of all the insects that we’re likely to encounter here in the UK, the ones that can cause the most panic are wasps. Not only are they a nuisance if you’re trying to relax in the garden at home, but they’re also a real pain for businesses over the summer months who want to attract customers to their outdoor areas. The reason for all the ducking, dodging and diving from wasps? It’s their sting.  As one of only a few stinging insects native to our shores – but an all too common one – it’s worth knowing how to treat a…

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Is There A Rat Problem In London?

London is a city famous for its history, iconic landmarks and bustling culture, but it’s also known as the home of rather unappealing pests — rats. While it’s not something tourists will want to dwell on, it’s a problem that businesses and homeowners can’t ignore. That’s why this month at Pest Defence, we’re going to explore the issue, including how big the problem is, what the signs are of rodent infestation, ways to prevent rats at your property and some details on the professional services we offer if all this has come too late.   Are rats common in London? It’s…

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What Are the Signs of a Bad Mouse Infestation?

An infestation of mice in your business premises or at home can be both alarming and a risk to your health. Whether they’re damaging your reputation and scaring guests away or you’ve got small children at home and you’re concerned about hygiene, you need to spot the signs early to take action and avoid the negative ramifications.  As leading pest control experts dealing with mice in London and Essex, here at Pest Defence, we wanted to share our tips this month on what to look out for so that you can respond swiftly. We’ll also include information on the health risks…

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Wasp vs Hoverfly: What’s the Difference?

When it comes to flying insects, it can be confusing to identify which species it is you’re afflicted by as they go buzzing around you.  Wasps and hoverflies are two common flying insects that get mixed up thanks to their very similar appearances. However, when you take a closer look, you’ll find that each has distinct characteristics, behaviours and habitats. Wrapping your head around these differences is essential, especially if you believe you’ve got a wasp nearby and are worried about the issues it can cause. This month, we’re spelling out the differences by breaking down how the two species compare…

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Is Pigeon Guano Hazardous?

Yes, pigeon guano is definitely hazardous.  This month at Pest Defence, we’re going to explore the topic of pigeon guano in more detail so that you’re familiar with the risks and how to go about managing any issues you might face. It can sometimes feel like feral pigeons are everywhere these days, from city streets to towns and suburbs, often congregating where they can find access to food and somewhere dry to roost. With millions of them across the UK, they carry a range of risks with them, most notably, their droppings — better known as pigeon guano. Whether you own…

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The Life Cycle of a Fly Explained

Flies are some of the most common nuisance pests that we encounter in our daily lives, especially during warmer weather. From buzzing around our homes to infiltrating our picnics, these tiny creatures always seem to be present.  Have you ever wondered about the life cycle of a fly and how it impacts our surroundings? In this article, we will delve into the fascinating world of flies and shed light on their life cycle stages. We’ll also discuss how flies can pose a significant risk to the hospitality and food industry, emphasising the importance of effective pest control measures. The life cycle…

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Rat Problems In Your Garden: What To Do

Enjoying a lazy day in the sunshine, hanging washing out to dry or playing games with your kids – whatever you use your garden for, it’s your own personal haven. The last thing you want to find is that it has been infested by rats. Rat problems in your garden can be a source of stress and anxiety, especially with small children or pets around, but it’s important not to panic.  To help you deal with rats that have taken up home in your garden, we’ve put together a quick guide. This will help you to assess whether you have a…

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What Happens if You Disturb a Rat’s Nest?

Disturbing a rat’s nest is not something you should do. Doing so will only make things worse in the long run, regardless of whether you’re a homeowner or business owner.  Rats are known to carry some serious diseases, posing a real danger to you and anyone around you. This can include leptospirosis, salmonellosis, plague, rat-bite fever, tularemia, bartonellosis and more. The pathogens that rats carry, usually in their fur, saliva, urine and droppings, can be spread even if you simply discover the nest and don’t actually come into direct contact with the rats themselves, because the particles become airborne. That’s why…

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Restaurant Pest Control Guide

Restaurants are a source of food, water and warmth, making them an ideal place for pests to shelter. Pest infestations are more than just an inconvenience; they can tarnish the reputation of a business and cause health violations. This can result in financial penalties, businesses being shut down or even criminal charges in cases of extreme negligence. With this in mind, the team at Pest Defence has created this guide offering key advice and information on how to keep your restaurant pest-free. Common restaurant pests Cockroaches – It is a common misconception that only dirty restaurants will be subject to a…

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