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Pest Control Methods Throughout the Ages

  • Commercial and Domestic
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Pest Control Methods Throughout the Ages

For as long as humans have been around, there have been pests to bother us. Whether it’s flies and other insects or rodents and larger creatures, pest control has been a necessity almost from the beginning.  While we don’t tend to be faced with all the same dangers as our ancestors – no sabre-tooth tigers, anyway – we have had to adapt the way we look at pest control as society and science has developed. Most pest control can be traced back to agricultural progress, but to give you an idea of just how far we’ve come, we thought we’d take…

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Six Pests You’re More Likely To See This Autumn

As summer and memories of heatwaves begin to fade, we move into darker mornings and evenings, cooler temperatures and the cosy feeling of autumn. However, with this changing of seasons comes the emergence of specific pests in your home and garden. While these pests are often present year-round, we thought we’d list the six pests you’re most likely to see and give a little bit of background as to why you see them in greater numbers at this time of year. Armed with this information, you can be better prepared to fend off unwelcome visitors — or at least get less…

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How To Keep Squirrels Out of Your Home & Garden

For many, squirrels are cute, furry creatures that are fun to watch scampering around in the garden, but did you know that grey squirrels are actually an invasive species that is not native to the UK? Their numbers have grown to the point where they have displaced the native red squirrel in many parts of the country. Aside from this, all squirrels can sometimes be a nuisance if you’d prefer to see birds in your garden, but they’re a real scourge of anyone who is trying to grow any kind of fruit, vegetable and even flower. Yes, that’s right, squirrels have…

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The 10 Things You’re Doing That Attracts Pests

While we all hope to be living a clean and tidy lifestyle – whether that’s at home or the way you run your business – there are some things you may be doing that unintentionally attract pests to your property.  Pest control is always a great way to deal with any pest issues that arise, but here at Pest Defence, we always say that prevention is often simpler than the cure. That’s why, this month, we’re going to highlight ten things people commonly do without realising it could attract pests, with the hope that by pointing these things out you can…

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How To Get Rid of Flying Ants

It’s always happened, but it seems like it’s only recently that the event has acquired its own name: Flying Ant Day! You pop outside and suddenly notice the world seems full of winged ants, whether they are actually flying, walking around on any available surface, or dead and dying on the ground.  You mention it to someone and they say they’ve noticed it that day as well, and so it has come to acquire this mystique where many people think there is literally one day when all the flying ants come out to play. But the truth isn’t quite that simple…

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Five Ways Businesses Can Protect the Health of Customers

The health of your customers or any visitors to your premises should always be the most important thing if you’re running a business or commercial operation, whether it’s a bar, a restaurant, a hotel, a leisure facility or a retail operation. For obvious reasons, this has never been more relevant or weighed on people’s minds as heavily as it does now. To help you protect the health of your customers when they’re on your site, we’ve picked five key things you can do in combination. Keep in mind also that these are things to help keep you and your staff healthy,…

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Why Are Rats Attracted to My House?

Wild rats and mice are pretty much universally unwelcome in our homes, so why are they attracted to come inside? It’s a question that you might ask yourself, and it’s actually a great place to start when you want to rid yourself of any pests; once you understand the factors that are contributing to the infestation, you can better ‌deal with them. This month at Pest Defence, we’ll talk about the different things that attract rats to your home, with tips on how to deal with the issues at hand. Things that attract rats into your home On their most basic…

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How Long Do Ants Live?

Ants are familiar to homeowners and businesses alike, since they are a common insect here in the UK. Often attracted by sources of food, it’s understandable that they regularly come into close contact with us. While they’re not dangerous themselves, an infestation of ants could mean that they bring unsanitary conditions with them. To help you better combat ants on your property, it’s worth knowing how long they live and at what time of year you can expect them to appear. This month at Pest Defence, we’ll talk you through these points, as well as how to get rid of a…

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What Do Wild Rabbits Eat?

Lots of people ask ‘are rabbits native to the UK?’, since they seem like such a staple of the English countryside. But believe it or not, wild rabbits are not native to the UK – the Normans brought them over in the 12th century. We’re more used to treating rabbits as pets these days, but wild rabbits still roam free in some areas — often enough to cause homes and businesses some trouble. This month at Pest Defence, we’re going to be looking into what wild rabbits eat, along with how they cause damage to commercial agricultural operations and domestic properties….

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Where Do Bees Go During the Winter?

If you managed to get out in the garden over summer, or even venture to your nearby park, you’ll no doubt have seen bees. Buzzing around happily wherever the flowers can be found in warmer weather, they’re an important part of our natural ecosystem – but where do bees go in the winter? This month at Pest Defence, we’re going to try and shed some light on this mystery, giving you a better insight into what bees do in winter and why you don’t see them. Where do bees go in winter? The first thing we should point out is that…

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